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Definition of Biography Text

Biography text is a text tells about the whole or parts of someone’s life. It encompasses the person’s detailed life events, like where she/he was born, grew up, what has she/he achieved in life or how, and later her/his death.

Function of Biography Text

The function of biography text are : 

  •  To know a person’s story  life
  • To give information and educate the readers.

Generic Structure of Biography Text

  • Orientation (Introduction) : It is the opening paragraph. It gives the readers  background information of the person.
  • Events : Event is as chronological order.
  • Re-Orientation (Closing) : It consists of a conclusion or comment of the writer. It tells about the achievement or the contribution of the person.

Language Features of Biography Text

  • He lived in Puncak Jaya
  • He worked hard
  • He refused violence
  • Adjective
  • He was generous
  • She was beautiful woman
  • His/her village was very cold
  1. Definition of  Biography text

Biography text is a detailed description or account of a person’s life and written by someone else, it is non-fiction text.

  • Social Function of Biography
  • To know a person’s story about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this person   may be known for.
  • To give many information easily and educate the readers.
  • Characteristics of Biography
  • Biography Is not written by subject and always written in third person.
  • Based on research.
  • Describes the person’s surroundings (where, when and how the person lived).
  • Use vivid language to narrate events.
  • Generic Structure
  • Orientation (introduction)

It is the opening paragraph, gives the readers the background information of the person

  • Events

In events, should be chronological order.

  • Re-orientation (closing)
  • It consists of conclusion or a comment or the writer. Tell about the echievement or the contribution of the person. 
  • Grammar and language features
  1. Use of simple past tense.

e.g. :    -The family then moved to his stepfather’s home country.

-He was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

  • Temporal sequence and temporal conjunction

e.g. : His parents separated when he was two years old.

  • Focus on Specific participants
  • Use of Action verbs.

e.g. : the family then moved to his stepfather’s home country.

  • Types of biography
  1. Short biography (focuses only on highlights of a person’s life)
  2. Long biography (about life and times of someone in a lot more detail)


Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky (USA). He worked on the farm of his father. He attended school for less than a year, but taught himself to read and write. He did different types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer.

He faced many problems. He wanted to preserve the unity of the country at any cost. Finally a civil war broke out between the northern and southern states. He fought the war bravely and declared, ‘A Nation cannot exist half free and half slave.’ He won the war and kept the country united.

Lincoln was elected president for a second term. This made him very popular among the people. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.


Identify The Social Function, Generic Structures and Language Feature of the text!



To give many information easily and educate the readers about Abraham Lincoln


1. Orientation

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky (USA). He worked on the farm of his father. He attended school for less than a year, but taught himself to read and write. He did different types of jobs before he settled as a highly successful lawyer.

2. Events         

He faced many problems. He wanted to preserve the unity of the country at any cost. Finally a civil war broke out between the northern and southern states. He fought the war bravely and declared, ‘A Nation cannot exist half free and half slave.’ He won the war and kept the country united.

3. Re-orientation         

Lincoln was elected president for a second term. This made him very popular among the people. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865.


Use of simple past tense.

– Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky (USA)

– He worked on the farm of his father

– . He attended school……

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questions and answer

Recount Text Biography 1

General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military’s commander-in-chief in YogyakartA. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in AmbarawA. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was ultimately confirmed on 18 December. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman’s tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independencE. He is buried at Semaki Heroes’ Cemetery in Yogyakarta.

Arti Teks Recount Biografi 1
Jenderal Soedirman adalah seorang perwira militer Indonesia berpangkat tinggi selama revolusi nasional Indonesia. Dia adalah panglima tertinggi Angkatan Bersenjata Indonesia, dia terus dihormati di negara ini. Pada 12 November 1945, pada pemilihan untuk memutuskan panglima militer di YogyakartA. Sudirman 24 tahun dipilih atas Oerip Soemohardjo dalam votE yang dekat. Sambil menunggu untuk dikonfirmasi, Soedirman memerintahkan serangan terhadap pasukan Inggris dan Belanda di AmbarawA. Pertempuran berikutnya dan penarikan Inggris memperkuat dukungan populer Sudirman, dan dia akhirnya dikonfirmasi pada 18 Desember. Jenderal Soedirman memimpin kegiatan militer di seluruh Jawa, termasuk unjuk kekuatan di Yogyakarta pada tanggal 1 Maret 1949. Ketika Belanda mulai mundur, pada bulan Juli 1949, Soedirman dipanggil ke Yogyakarta dan dilarang berperang lebih jauh. Pada akhir tahun 1949, tuberkulosis Sudirman kembali, dan ia pensiun ke Magelang, di mana ia meninggal sedikit lebih dari sebulan setelah Belanda mengakui kemerdekaan Indonesia. Ia dimakamkan di Pemakaman Semaki Heroes di Yogyakarta.

1. What is the monologue about?
A. A biography of General Soedirman
B. The family of General Soedirman
C. The death of General Soedirman
D. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian Armed Forces
E. The military forces commanded by General Soedirman

2. What can we infer from the monolugue?
A. His uncle’s name was also Soedirman
B. January is the month of Maulud
C. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
D. Soedirman died when he was relatively young
E. Soedirman died on 1 March 1949

Recount Text Biography 2
Luis Lionel Andres Messi, born June 24th, 1987, is an Argentinian football player for F.C BarcelonA. He is not very tall, mainly, due to the growing problem he had when he was younger. His eyes are brown. He never has short hair.
Lionel Messi started playing football at a very early age in his hometown’s Newell’s Old Boys. From the age of 11, he suffered from a hormone deficiency and as Lionel’s parents were unable to pay for the treatment in Argentina, they decided to move to Barcelona, Spain.
In the 2003-2004 season, when he was still only 16 years old, Messi made his first team debut in a friendly with Porto that marked the opening of the new Dragao stadium. The following championship-winning season, Messi made his first appearance in an official match on October 16th, 2004, in Barcelona’s derby win against Espanyol at the Olympic Stadium 0-1.. And now, in 2010, 2011, and 2012 he is best player in the world.

Arti Teks Recount Biografi 2
Luis Lionel Andres Messi, lahir 24 Juni 1987, adalah pemain sepakbola Argentina untuk F.C BarcelonA. Dia tidak terlalu tinggi, terutama, karena masalah yang semakin besar ketika dia masih muda. Matanya coklat. Dia tidak pernah memiliki rambut pendek.
Lionel Messi mulai bermain sepakbola di usia yang sangat muda di Newell’s Old Boys, kampung halamannya. Sejak usia 11 tahun, ia menderita kekurangan hormon dan karena orang tua Lionel tidak mampu membayar perawatan di Argentina, mereka memutuskan untuk pindah ke Barcelona, Spanyol.
Pada musim 2003-2004, ketika ia masih berusia 16 tahun, Messi membuat debut tim pertamanya dalam persahabatan dengan Porto yang menandai pembukaan stadion Dragao baru. Musim kemenangan kejuaraan berikut, Messi membuat penampilan pertamanya dalam pertandingan resmi pada 16 Oktober 2004, dalam kemenangan derby Barcelona melawan Espanyol di Stadion Olimpiade 0-1 .. Dan sekarang, pada 2010, 2011, dan 2012 dia yang terbaik pemain di dunia.

3. According to the text, Messi’s parents moved to Barcelona ….
A. because they were very poor in Argentina
B. because they wanted Messi to be successful in soccer
C. so that Messi could learn in the best soccer club
D. to get Messi’s health problem cured
E. to find the best treatment to cure Messi’s health problem

4. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. he hasn’t really attractive face, but he’s a very good football player
B. Lionel Messi is a good player for F.C Barcelona
C. his best characteristics are on the foot has competitiveness
D. he appears to be a quite good and modest person
E. he has long black hair and brown eyes

Recount Text Biography 3
Faraday studied the magnetic field around a conductor carrying a DC electric current. While conducting these studies, Faraday established the basis for the electromagnetic field concept in physics, subsequently enlarged upon by James Maxwell. He similarly discovered electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism, and laws of electrolysis. He established that magnetism could affect rays of light and that there was an underlying relationship between the two phenomenA. His inventions of electromagnetic rotary devices formed the foundation of electric motor technology, and it was largely due to his efforts that electricity became viable for use in technology.
As a chemist, Michael Faraday discovered benzene, investigated the clathrate hydrate of chlorine, invented an early form of the Bunsen burner and the system of oxidation numbers, and popularized terminology such as anode, cathode, electrode, and ion.
Although Faraday received little formal education and knew little of higher mathematics, such as calculus, he was one of the most influential scientists in history. Historians of science refer to him as the best experimentalist in the history of sciencE. The SI unit of capacitance, the farad, is named after him, as is the Faraday constant, the charge on a mole of electrons (about 96,485 coulombs). Faraday’s law of induction states that magnetic flux changing in time creates a proportional electromotive force.
Faraday was the first and foremost Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, a position to which he was appointed for life.
Albert Einstein kept a photograph of Faraday on his study wall alongside pictures of Isaac Newton and James Clerk Maxwell.
Faraday was highly religious. He was a member of the Sandemanian Church, a Christian sect founded in 1730 that demanded total faith and commitment. Biographers have noted that a strong sense of the unity of God and nature pervaded Faraday’s life and work.

Arti Teks Recount Biografi 4
Faraday mempelajari medan magnet di sekitar konduktor yang membawa arus listrik DC. Saat melakukan studi ini, Faraday menetapkan dasar untuk konsep medan elektromagnetik dalam fisika, yang kemudian diperbesar oleh James Maxwell. Dia juga menemukan induksi elektromagnetik, diamagnetisme, dan hukum elektrolisis. Dia menetapkan bahwa magnet dapat mempengaruhi sinar cahaya dan bahwa ada hubungan yang mendasari antara dua fenomena. Penemuannya dari perangkat rotary elektromagnetik membentuk fondasi teknologi motor listrik, dan itu sebagian besar karena usahanya bahwa listrik menjadi layak untuk digunakan dalam teknologi.
Sebagai seorang ahli kimia, Michael Faraday menemukan benzena, meneliti hidrat klatrat dari klorin, menemukan bentuk awal dari pembakar Bunsen dan sistem bilangan oksidasi, dan terminologi populer seperti anoda, katoda, elektroda, dan ion.
Meskipun Faraday menerima sedikit pendidikan formal dan tahu sedikit matematika yang lebih tinggi, seperti kalkulus, dia adalah salah satu ilmuwan paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah. Sejarawan sains menyebut dia sebagai eksperimentalis terbaik dalam sejarah sciencE. Satuan SI dari kapasitansi, farad, dinamai menurut namanya, seperti juga konstanta Faraday, muatan pada satu mol elektron (sekitar 96,485 coulomb). Hukum induksi Faraday menyatakan bahwa perubahan fluks magnetik dalam waktu menciptakan kekuatan elektromotif proporsional.
Faraday adalah Profesor Kimia Fullerian pertama dan terkemuka di Royal Institution of Great Britain, posisi yang ia diangkat untuk hidup.
Albert Einstein menyimpan foto Faraday di dinding studinya bersama foto Isaac Newton dan James Clerk Maxwell.
Faraday sangat religius. Dia adalah anggota Gereja Sandemanian, sebuah sekte Kristen yang didirikan pada 1730 yang menuntut iman dan komitmen total. Para biografer telah mencatat bahwa rasa kesatuan Tuhan dan alam yang kuat meliputi kehidupan dan pekerjaan Faraday.

5. What was Michael Faraday expert?
A. science, history and religion
B. chemistry, electricity and calculus
C. electronic, technology and religion
D. chemistry, physic and mathematics
E. physic, technology and photography


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