𝓝𝓪𝓻𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓮𝔁𝓽
Definition of Narrative Text
A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people (teks narasi adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).
Generic Structure of Narrative Text
# Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana)
# Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai terjadi dan berkembang)
# Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, secara baik “happy ending” ataupun buruk “bad ending”.
# Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story.
Purpose of Narrative Text
– The Purpose of Narrative Text is to amuse or to entertain the reader with a story.
The Characteristics / Language Feature of Narrative Text
– Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)
– Adverb of time (Once upun a time, one day, etc)
– Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)
– Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general. (Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)
– Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)
– Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said,”My name is Snow White). The direct speech uses present tense.
Contoh Narrative Text tentang Fable beserta terjemahannya
The Rabbit and the Turtle
One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow.
Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the challenge. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought.
The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got. He just kept going.
However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full-speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him.
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